Saturday, November 15, 2008

the golden sound of silence

the house iz strangely quiet. Its never been this quiet b4. There is no music playing, the air con iz off, my dogs sleeping, my mom iz working out, my sis iz @ her frends house, and im just sitting and eating lunch. Its so quiet that sumthin feels wrong but it also iz quite nice. Makes me wanna sleep. but i cant cuz my frend iz coming over in about an hr or so. even tough my mom said it wuz a waste of time, she just didnt want to c me try and fail. I told her that we aren't gonna fail. I didnt quite convince her. I gues i just have to prove it when she sees us on stage. So my frend iz coming over so we can plan stuff out, like we needa drummer and a lead guitarist.
So far today iz great. I woke up @ 12 to the sound of a thunder storm YAAAYYY! i loveee the rain and wen the sky iz all dark and stuff. the only bad thing iz that im sick. soar throat, blocked nose, all that stuff. Guess its not the best day to plan for a band where i have to sing. o well.
last night (or this morning) i had the weirdest most random dream. I guess it makes sense of why i dreamt it but still it wuz weirdddddd. Ok so we are on a field trip and we go to this old motel place (dont ask) and then it sum how turns into world war 2 or sumthin. Theres japanese soldiers shooting at us and sum ppl die. The weird thing iz iz that my sister iz with me. why would she be with me ona skool field trip??? anyway, i soon worked out that we had gone back intime and we were in Hiroshima and we were gunna get hit with the atomic bomb. So i got my sis and my frends together and we looked @ a map and we were trying to figure out which flight to take. to india or kuala lumpur. thinkning about it now it didnt make much sense cuz japan wuz in the atlantic ocean. anyway, so once we got tickets to a flight to india and r on the plane, it cashes and suddenly im performing with the JONAS BROTHERS on a stage @ maxwell. i didnt like it @ all and then suddenly they went off stage and MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE came on stage and i performed famous last words with them and i went crazy and stuff and gerard wuz smiling @ me and frank wuz hugging me. and then my frends dad coms over and gets all mad @ me cuz i didnt give my skeleton gloves to his daughter. i wuz gonna perform another song with my chem so i just ripping o0ff the gloves and gav em to her. but as i wuz running back to stage, my pants fell off! (y does that always happen!!?!!?!?) so im running bak to stage putting my pants of and gerard and ray iz laughing there heads off. I finally get back to stage and we perform im not okay and you know what they do to guys like us in prison. the sad part iz, m mo comes bursting through my room door and i WAKE UP! shes like get up its 10 u hav to walk sofie (my dog) im like okok. and shes like im goin to da american club to work out get up and she leaves and i go back to sleep. i fall back into the dream again and we are done performing :( suddenly the scene chnages to an airport. apparently we just made it in time to escape the bomb.
that wuz a rllly weird dream. i kno y i dreamt about the bombing of hiroshima, cuz in strings class my teachers showed us this piece that wuz about da bombing and it wuz awesome! i forget the name ill have to look it up on youtuCheck Spellingbe. anyway this post iz getting rlly long and i have to do dishes and laundry and take a shower now in 45 minutes so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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