Tuesday, November 25, 2008

my lazyness

So, again my lazyness will cost me my social studies grade. Yesterday i had put a homework assignment in my pants pocket because oi had already put my binder in my locker and didnt feel like unlocking. So of course i forgot i had it in there and i put it in the wahsing machine. Now tonight, i found the remains of my homework in the same pants, the biggest piece that iz left of it iz about the size of a crumb. *sigh* i have social studies first period and my teacher iz the kind that if u dont turn it in wen he asks u 2 its late. o well, the worst i can get iz a c.
i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looking foward to the thanks giving break! 2maro iz a free dress day AND the last day oof skool for da week. im happy, but only wen i think of that. But im nojt happy thinking about 2maro for one reason. A chinese proj iz due and i havent even finished it, and my partner has the rest of it and i have the part where u need to write the info he has on, so...we're both screwd there.
ok, i'm gunna go do math homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot woot!!!! waahhhhhhhhaaaaaa:'(

Sunday, November 23, 2008

all dressed up and bound and gagged

Sigh. The weekend iz coming to an end. I basically did nuthing this weekend. Friday went out with my frends and saturday i slept the whole day, literally. Today i woke up, did homework and went to basketball practice came home took a 45 min shower and did more homework. Homework can kill. I wouldn't be surprised if i wuz found dead near my desk, sprawled over my science homework.i'd b dead and i wudn't giv a damn, id help spread the blood:P
Anyway, my get together a few saturdays ago went pretty well. we actually both can sing pretty good and i figured out a bit bout the guitar part for shes a rebel just by watching a live vid (yes, i do feel proud of myself:D) but it turns out we're not doin shes a rebel. We're not sure what song we are playing. Its complicated and confusing now. but we're still goin through with it. we r both willing to fight to the top.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My, my chem. story

It all started one Saturday afternoon when I wuz watching the rock AM ring 2007. I wuz a Good Charlotte fan at the time and wanted to watch the full performance. After them my chemical romance came on. I wasn’t a big fan then. I knew all the ones played on the radio: teenagers, famous last words, welcome to the black parade, I don’t love you. I forget which one they played first but it wuz probly one of the above songs becuz I kept watching. Soon MAMA came on. I suddenly got sucked in. I watched song and after song. I loved them. The way they performed, their energy, everything! The way Gerard walked like a chicken or WHATEVER he wuz doin during teenagers made me laugh. I knew that I would become a fan of them very quickly. I wuz right. Now I have every single album and DVD. I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love, Three Cheers for Sweet revenge, Life on the murder scene, The black parade, and the Black parade is dead.
A few months later, I walked down in the morning and on the dining room table I saw 2 tickets to see them live. I wuz sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. I could barley concentrate on any of my problems, all that mattered wuz that moment. The concert wuz on December 11th at 8pm, it wuz only October I couldn’t wait! That Halloween my mom got an email. It said the date and time of the Christmas strings concert that wuz worth half my grade. It wuz on December 11th 7pm-8 30pm. I thought she wuz joking @ first. Then I read the email. I wuz smiling, I kept trying to find loop holes around it. I didn’t believe it. I checked the sender, everything. Then it hit me, she wuzn’t kidding. Tears appeared in my eyes and the smile vanished completely frum my face. I didn’t go trick or treating that year, I just locked myself in my room and cried. After I wuz done crying, I just sat on my floor with my pocket knife. I kept opening it and closing it, opening it and closing it. I traced it along my arm feeling the cold metal. But no, I didn’t cut myself.
My mom wudn’t let me miss the concert. And I knew I couldn’t change that. I said to her I didn’t mind missing the first half or so. She said that skool and the venue wuz on completely other sides of the island (Singapore). By the time I got there, with traffic, and delays the concert wud be over. Eventually she sold MY tickets.
I realized that that wuz how it wuz gonna be; Skool over my LIFE. Everything I care about. And that’s how it’s been since then.
Well that’s my tragic little story. Check out mama. It’s still my fav Song on the black parade album.


okokok i am fucking ubsessed!!!!! so this iz all about lets call him 13124. The first time i saw him, i liked him, when i got to kno him i started to love him. When he made out with hiz girlfrend in the hallz i wanted to stab myself in the heart. When i saw him @ da dance i wanted to jump out a window and hav everybody i care about tell me im worthless a fuckin idiot. This year, he hugged me the first week of skool. I couldn't breathe for about 10 mins. he gave me a wrist band i still haven't washed it. There are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many more times and things that show im pathetic and completely ubssesed. i NEEED to 4get him. but i dont kno how, iv been trying for a year.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stomach ache or heart ache?

ok so i just needa get this out there. ok, so i have a bf, but dont rlly like him. i like this other guy, maybe even love this guy for more than a year. we're frends and stuff. But he doesnt and never will like me. Whenever i think about that my stomach always starts to hurt, or feel weird, like im free falling when i am nauseous. Like i waz nauseous on the plane, but then got pushed out and just started falling and cant stop. I'm gunna break up with my bf, and i kno i wont feel any different. maybe guilt, for agreeing to go out with him and then seeing him be crushed. But i cant stay in a fake relationship.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

happy bday!

i almost forgot, today iz my grandpa's 70th birthday!!!!!!!!!! happy birthday grandpapa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the golden sound of silence

the house iz strangely quiet. Its never been this quiet b4. There is no music playing, the air con iz off, my dogs sleeping, my mom iz working out, my sis iz @ her frends house, and im just sitting and eating lunch. Its so quiet that sumthin feels wrong but it also iz quite nice. Makes me wanna sleep. but i cant cuz my frend iz coming over in about an hr or so. even tough my mom said it wuz a waste of time, she just didnt want to c me try and fail. I told her that we aren't gonna fail. I didnt quite convince her. I gues i just have to prove it when she sees us on stage. So my frend iz coming over so we can plan stuff out, like we needa drummer and a lead guitarist.
So far today iz great. I woke up @ 12 to the sound of a thunder storm YAAAYYY! i loveee the rain and wen the sky iz all dark and stuff. the only bad thing iz that im sick. soar throat, blocked nose, all that stuff. Guess its not the best day to plan for a band where i have to sing. o well.
last night (or this morning) i had the weirdest most random dream. I guess it makes sense of why i dreamt it but still it wuz weirdddddd. Ok so we are on a field trip and we go to this old motel place (dont ask) and then it sum how turns into world war 2 or sumthin. Theres japanese soldiers shooting at us and sum ppl die. The weird thing iz iz that my sister iz with me. why would she be with me ona skool field trip??? anyway, i soon worked out that we had gone back intime and we were in Hiroshima and we were gunna get hit with the atomic bomb. So i got my sis and my frends together and we looked @ a map and we were trying to figure out which flight to take. to india or kuala lumpur. thinkning about it now it didnt make much sense cuz japan wuz in the atlantic ocean. anyway, so once we got tickets to a flight to india and r on the plane, it cashes and suddenly im performing with the JONAS BROTHERS on a stage @ maxwell. i didnt like it @ all and then suddenly they went off stage and MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE came on stage and i performed famous last words with them and i went crazy and stuff and gerard wuz smiling @ me and frank wuz hugging me. and then my frends dad coms over and gets all mad @ me cuz i didnt give my skeleton gloves to his daughter. i wuz gonna perform another song with my chem so i just ripping o0ff the gloves and gav em to her. but as i wuz running back to stage, my pants fell off! (y does that always happen!!?!!?!?) so im running bak to stage putting my pants of and gerard and ray iz laughing there heads off. I finally get back to stage and we perform im not okay and you know what they do to guys like us in prison. the sad part iz, m mo comes bursting through my room door and i WAKE UP! shes like get up its 10 u hav to walk sofie (my dog) im like okok. and shes like im goin to da american club to work out get up and she leaves and i go back to sleep. i fall back into the dream again and we are done performing :( suddenly the scene chnages to an airport. apparently we just made it in time to escape the bomb.
that wuz a rllly weird dream. i kno y i dreamt about the bombing of hiroshima, cuz in strings class my teachers showed us this piece that wuz about da bombing and it wuz awesome! i forget the name ill have to look it up on youtuCheck Spellingbe. anyway this post iz getting rlly long and i have to do dishes and laundry and take a shower now in 45 minutes so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

r u tired? do u think u need to sleep?

i am sooo fucking tired and i am gunna sleep even though i havent even eaten yet or finished my homework im gunna sleep rite now.

ok,hi, sup...now im more awake either cuz the 2 cups of coffee i drunk iz finally kicking in or cuz my sis just came in and scared the shit outa me. she thought i wuz kinda weird with my head on my computer and a bunch of z's on the screen.
ANYWAY...im scared cuz 2maro i hav an eye doc. appointment and mite needa get glasses (ahhhh the suspense.) But the day after that i have a haircut appointment which iz good cuz my hair sucks rite now. My layers have grown out and my bangs look stupid.
The main big drama event today wuz my mom crushing my dreams, hopes and all my fun with 5 simple words, together it's the harshest sentence ever in the whole. entire. world. dundundun....
ok i wuz telling her about the whole talent show performance thingy and she cut me off and said "It's a waste of time." rite then and there i wanted to scream i want to break every single wine glass in reach (i wuz in the dinning room so trust me, there were plenty) but the urge to start crying like a baby over took the anger. But rlly, u dont kno how much that hurt.
So now im here and bored, and sad and angry and bored again tired and iz going to shut up and watch the black parade (Jersey show) to get in a better mood to be able to finish my homework.
Its sooo comforting to be able to look forward to math homework. YAYYYY *rolls eyes*

Tortured teenager (literally)

Monday, November 10, 2008


I finally got my computer back. This morning my mom had to do stuff on my computer for my lil sis's bookmark competition thingy. So basically i had to change my password (cuz i like my password now and wanna keep it) and give her my computer which she has full access to, my history not deleted (which iz bad...but she used mozilla instead of internet explorer, my heart almost stopped in relief...u dont wanna kno my history...) and i had to leave for school so she cud've done ANYTHING she cud've changed the password so i cudn't use my own computer anymore. But she didnt cuz i guess she still trusts me which i feel a little guilty about cuz im on here rite now wen i shud b doin homework when shes @ my sis's piano lessons.
ANYWAY, i shudn't trust my mom with skool. She said im failing and i cudn't believe it. But she took my comp anyway, even though i had all a's and one tiny little b. she wuz counting the assignments. I wuz like wtf, all a's and 1 b is rlly good i think, and she wants more (damn parents that care about me...:'(...) so besides that wats only rlly been happening with me iz that i mite perform in the talent show. I rllllyyy wanna do famous last words, i have the whole thing worked out in my mind but the guiatar is too hard and i cant find anyone to do it with cuz there already doin sumthin els. So me and my frend are goin to ATTEMPT to play are we the waiting and shes a rebel by green day. He is obsessed with green day, mainly the american idiot album. I'm afraid if i get to picky, he mite realize how sik ubssesed i am about music and stuff. So probly in about 5 months we mite perform 2 songs. We kno nuthin bout guitar even though i have an electric guitar, dont have a definite drummer anddddd......he cant fucking sing for his life... even though im singing one song, hes singing the other...so i dont kno how its gunna turn out cuz my hope r up (again) that i mite b able to finally perform live. Soo basically does any one have any tips for a good performance (besides goin crazy, cuz i will go crazy if we ever get there, no matter if the principal iz there or not, no matter how many parents we are willing to do ANYTHING 4 a good show)
Ok another thing iz that there is a little christmas dance thingy. I went last year but it wuz miserable cuz i watched da guy i liked for da whole year dance and make out with sum other chick. But this year i have a boy frend and stuff so i HOPE its different...
ok that wuz kind long-ish....but i im gunna go actually get sum work done:P

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


i am sooo glad that obama won!!!!!!!!!!!!! i jumped up on the cafateria tables and dance with my frends! but then we got in trouble and the principal yelled at us, but who cares, it wuz so much fun! Today wuz actually pretty good, besides the fact that this dude showed me a video on youtube its called sumthin like lars the emo kid, it sorta pissed me off for a couple hours, but i got over it (obviously.) In chinese class we gotta watch a movie so i wuz happy there aswell. It wuz kinda a weird movie though, and random to. Basically wat happend wuz that these teachers had to search the students for cell phones and wen one boy handed his over a porn dvd fell out of his pocket aswell. It wuz stupid cuz i mean, it wuz a chinese movie, the acting isnt that great.
o ya! we had a down pour of rain today! well, living in singapore it rains almost everyday but today wuz awesome! it actually flooded the halls, all the drains were open and overflowing and stuff. I wuz completely soaked by the time i got on the bus.
ANDD! iv been listening to green day so often now, i finally listened to da black parade again and i like nearly spazzed out wen mama came on. I dunno wat i wuz thinking my last post (actually i sorta do) but my chem. is fucking awesome!!!
OK, im done with all my good news, now its time for the bad news. yea i kno, ur probly like o man yd u have to end with da bad news, my answer is cuz i feel like it (wow, im so creative!) ok the bad news is that im failing in sum classes now, but i will b able to get em back up i have 2 tests and 2 projects due this week and monday, i'll do rllllyyyyy well on em (hopefully, even though ill probly just get a c on math, mymom will still flip, my dads adjusting the the c being avergae thing, but hell still b mad.) Well, cant be so promising bout da tests but i can promise i'll b good on da projects. anyway, basically my computer and stereo iz taken away. so kno blogging or music for me this week :( (i feel like im 10 yrs old!)even though thats wat i did a few weeks ago. But now i WANT to listen to music. My parents dont get that i love music so much and that its such a big part of my life. I kno my dad thinks i just listen and act all ubssesed for the looks of the ppl (gerard, frank, billie,etc) maybe its cuz i dont explain much to em. But even if i try (which i hav,) they just miss interpret wat im saying.
anyway, if my mom catches me on da comp now, i'll rlly b dead, have a math test 2maro, o ya the math test that i wzu supposed to be on tues got switched to thurs becuz this guy poked this other guy and he screamed and this teacher talked to him for like half an hr, and then our teacher yelled @ all of us, and then the bell rang, and i raced outa da door, soo yea. ok rlly have to go now!

(OBAMA, OBAMA, OBAMA! btw who were u guys voting for, i duuno wanna shove it in ur face that OBAMA won.)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Falling, MCR and stuff

Finally! The majority of my homework is done and i can now get a decent amount of sleep tonight, even though i probly wont actually fall asleep till 1 or sumthin. Or i'll just start the reading for history to help me sleep and do the rest of my homework during one of my free periods b4 class.
Anyway! I've been thinking about this for a while now, and dont really know how to word it, or if it mite just sound stupid. But to me it seems like my chem is changing. Maybe their just getting more mature and used to the type of life they are living. But watching the black parade is dead performance, and some interviews, it seems like they're changing, and i sorta miss the old them. Get what im saying? ahh i dunno how to say it, im not saying it rite.
Its sorta of like comparing the black parade is dead in new mexico and new jersey. The new jersey show is the my chem that i love, but then again if its the new jersey show that i like, then aren't they still the same?
or maybe im just not used to the whole, big fancy show style yet. Even though it wuz sorta like that on the revenge album, life on the murder scene stuff. But it seems different. doesnt it?
If u dont get it o well, im not explaining it well.
Moving on. Yesterday the following actually happend to me but i decided to write it in a different way, mite include it in one of my stories that i write often (haven't gotten around to posting any yet). Just kno that i dont rlly write like that (the below paragraphs.)
so here it iz:

As the bell rang, my eyes wandered off. I gazed at my black violin case, leaning against (let’s call him Billy bob Joe) “Billy bob Joe’s” alto sax, which was leaning against a brick pillar. The alto sax was the only thing keeping my violin from falling.
Then I realized that it was how it was in real life. He was keeping me from falling. Without him, I would fall flat on my face. But then again, if my violin wasn’t there, his alto sax would fall from the angel it was positioned at. Or it would go against the brick wall and tip over. Either way, we were holding each other up. Us and our music. Our lives. (Or maybe I wuz just confusing myself)
I started thinking of another way it could end up, who falls, and who supports. But I guess I got caught up in it for longer than I thought because “Billy Bob Joe” was tugging at my shirt and waving his hand across my face.

Az u can c, i am very confused today :P

Early morning.Ugh

Maybe there wuz a few things to report from yesterday. I completely forgot i had a math test and studied like hell last nite and didnt have time to come online. I also had my second chinese pop quiz in a row. I swear our teacher hates us. The boys in my class, well the popular boys in my class always are making fun of him, like wen he speaks english, his accent is weird cuz hes a native chinese speaker (duh!) This morning i got up @ 5:30 to finish up sum science homework. Its waaayyy to early for me. I usually am supposed to get up at 6, but always get up at 6:25:D
Back to yesterday. First period i had a science test. I probly got a C- or sumthin like that. After school i went to da girls basketball practice. I dunno if im gunna try out for the team.
well, gotta go da bus comes in 15 mins and im still in my pajamas! i WILL get back online today for more exciting stuff other than my boring life.

Monday, November 3, 2008


well im am now at skool during my free period and i am extremely bored and not looking forward to my next class, which is english. I would usually love english class but the topic we are on now is torture.
This morning was like any other, woke up 20 mins later than i wuz supposed to, and i had one bite of cereal and a sip of orange juice and ran out the door. Since my ipod wuz and still iz completely screwd i decided to use my old walkman fro my ninth birthday, and yes it still works. Its usually my back up wen my mom takes away my ipod. I had grabbed a random cd and didnt kno what it wuz till it started playing and i had grabbed Warning by green day.
from then on it wuz like any other regular boring skool day, even though its still only half way done, i just kno there wont b anything to report, ill probly get on again b4 i start homework.
hey quick question, y does everyone, well not everyone, some/most ppl think green day is a crappy band?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

a regular boring sunday

Today was the same old same old. I woke up around 11, and went to the tv room where my lil sis wuz watchin neds declassified scool survival guide, i quickly went downstairs. I attempted to make an omelet, but it turned into scrambled eggs. After i finished them, checked my emails, and endured my sis practicing her piano solo for the thousandth time, i soon realized that i didn't cook the eggs fully...im not goin into details. Even though i wuzn't feeling well i still had to go to basketball practice. It wasn't so bad. the only bad part was trying to find a song on my ipod wen the screan wuz compltley screwd up. Its frikin hard.
Lunch wuzn't interesting, a normal sandwich. But my mom said that she wuz going to throw out the 3 avocados sitting in our fridge if no one ate em. So i decided to make guacamole. If it wasn't for the smell of all the spices and stuff, i dont think i wud be able to make it again:P
Thats pretty much all the excitement for today. Now i have a science test i have 2 study for and a math project to work on. Ugh!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


The place to be on Halloween in Singapore is woodlands. If you’re all about the candy, you can spend hours and hours goin around the same route and never get tired. Once the sun goes down it’s the jackpot neighborhood. Getting hour lasting sugar rushes, bomb bags goin off every 30 seconds, dodging cars, and “dummies” that come alive and scare you, its pretty awesome.
I wuz Tre Cool (drummer of Green day) for Halloween. I had put my costume together the night before and it wasn’t as good as it could’ve been, but it was a pretty good imitation. But some guys didn’t see it. One parent said that he had seen me around school and that I didn’t dress up at all. I took it as a compliment. I had pulled out my drumsticks from my pocket to show I wuz a drummer…he didn’t buy it.
My frend Jai let us use his house as a base. Every 20 mins or so we’d go back, get a Pepsi, trade candy, eat candy, get our does of air conditioning, then head back out the door. I accomplished 3 things. 1: got A TON of candy. 2: Make another hole in my shoe. 3: Piss the security dudes off.
The night went by fast, since i HAD to go home with my lil sis who had to be home by 10. So i had to cut the candy off by 9:10 for the 45 min ride home. When i finally decided to go to bed, i found a wasp flying around my room. Thats what you get when you live in the tropics i guess. So i crashed on the couch in the tv room instead. I got stung twice in pre school and have had a fear of anything that stings since. Although i wud hold a scorpion that no one from my chem wud.
but litteraly just now hearing and seeing the wasp agan, i'm getting out of my room. Ahh, the advantages of a laptop.