Saturday, March 21, 2009

oh baby here comes the sound. took a train outa new orleans.

I will be leaving for the Maldives in about 2 hrs. The plane i am taking is very small, and it is raining like hell rite now..i am scarred shit less. BUT i will try to calm myself down by watching SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE on the plane. i never got the chance to watch it in theatres and now i get to watch it for free.
o my gym bag is the most disgusting thing....i think theres actually mold growing on it. I packed 2 pairs of clothes cuz i had PE and went to da gym. but when i was changing to go to da gym...into my gym clothes which were just washed, my used pe clothes smelled waaayyyy better than my clean bag is definitely fucked up... after the break is the last quarted of the skool theres this thing called tiger tales. you can submit writing and get it published in the TIger Tales. so im guna write 2 things and you guys have to comment and say which one u think i shud submit. i'll probly post them after i get back since im not bringing my laptop. so like the first week of april.
im praying for the rain to stop for once in my life....

Friday, March 20, 2009

give me a reason to believe

ello! a quick update.
today was the last day of skool b4 spring break. My friend is off to the states for this meeting in LA. i told her to get me cd's. Leather MOuth, prencey prep, megadeth....coroner...singapore doesnt seem to have any of those in any music store here. and since shes leaving 2maro, i can wait, and it wud be cheaper than buying it off the internet...i hope.
For spring break, my family and i will be going to the Maldives!!!! im so excited. Gunna stay at this frikkin awesome hotel..four seasons or the of those. Snorkeling, beach..all of it. We just got our camera fixed so im gunna take lots of pictures.
I am still contemplating whether or not to go to powerchord academy. I dont kno y...still.
Also, i mite dye my hair blue. not all of it, but like highlights.......yea...
rite now, singing along to its not a fashion statement, its a fucking death wish, it reminds me tht i have had a sore throat for about 2 weeks now. I shud probly not be singing by lungs out...but i cant be stopped :P
ALSOOOO we got this new awesome bean bag chair type thing so im gunnna go watch tv now and sit in it!!!....unless my sister got there first ...:O

BUT BEFORE I GO! just reading back at what i wrote i want to say that "tortured teenager" is entirely a screen name. I am quit the opposite of tortured, and i kno tht. so i hope i dont sound a like some fucking spoiled brat that thinks her life sucks..cuz i dont. even if i complain, i still kno i am soooooooooooooooo very very lucky.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Should I stay or should i go?

My heart is in beat with MAMA.

OK. Summer is........march, aprill........about 4 months away. Short or long, we are already buying plane tickets for the states, if we didn't now, we wudn't be able to get a flight. ANYWAY! Huge thing on my mind. There is this music camp called power chord academy. Its sound and looks rlly cool and a lot of fun. You get to make a music video, record in a studio, make a cd, watch touring bands, perform live. EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED TO DO! Theres a beginningers class. And mom told me about it so its not like im not allowed to go or sumthin, its just that, i don't know if i WANT to go. Isn't tht strange? I think im afraid i wont fit in, everyone will b better than me. But if theyre better than me i'll learn more rite? And its a great experience, so whats stopping me frum going? I still have a few months, i've talked to my parents, and im gunna rlly talk to em tonite bout gettin guiatr lessons, so i'll be a bit prepared. I dunno, i LOVE music. I want a musical career, but i rlly want to go, but don't wanna go. I dunno. this is me asking for help, and also thinking out loud.

when i mention buying plane tickets, its cuz we mite not make a stop to chicago this year, only if i decide to go to the camp.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


ok, sooooo, The best job in the world is basically being a "island care taker" in australia for the great barrier reef. You basically can do stuff u do on vacation,but ur being payed (100,000 US FUCKING DOLLARS!!!!!!). for the main info go
anyway, why am in telling you this? well one of the PE teachers @ my skool made it to the top 50 out of over 34,000 applicants. Now he is #5 on the list.
here is his application video
Since i live in singapore, and know the guy its extremley hilarious watching him go on a local MRT in a full wet suite and snorkle gear. He is actually very funny just in class as well.
So if you want...VOTE FOR HIM. vote for him using multiple emails if ya want to!!! everyone in our skool thinks he is cut out for the job, and not just cuz hes from our skool.
Hope you vote!