Wednesday, February 25, 2009

keep the rain away, play in the sun, let the rain fall

Today was field day.YAYYY!!!!!!!!!!! for those who dont know, its a day where the skool goes crazy. we play games the whole day. There are four diff teams: yellow, red, green and blue. I wuz blue, wootwoot! BUT, we were told to do hw incase it rained, we wud go to class. I didn't do my hw. and on the started to drizzle...dundundun...but it never rained so i wuz good:P
I signed up for the obstacle course, water polo, and uhhh chair ball. They were all rlly fun. But unfortunatley, i had dyed my hair blue wit instant hair spray, and i had water polo first, so it all came off :'( Blue team came 2nd in water polo, we ownd all...except the fact tht we lost our last game. After changing, it wuz chair ball. Im not sure if this is a thing only my skool does, but i will explain it anyway. OK, so there are 2 teams. There is a mat with a chair on it on either side of the basketball court. The object of the game is to pass the ball three times to diff. team mates (skool and letting everyone get a chance at the ball, even though not everyone gets it) and then pass it to the person standing on the chair. Thts how u get points. Also, you cant move when you have the ball, and if u drop the ball, it goes to the other team. Well, this game, there were no chairs, so ppl just stood on the mat. Blue won all of the games, first place wooo! Of course it wuz all thnks to my excellent catching skills while standing on a mat.
The last station for me wuz the obstacle course. First we had to go thru tires without touching them. Then jump in a potato sack to a tent thingy. go thru the tent ride this bike tht was like not even up to my knees , and im 5'4, ride it thru cones, go over thise block thing, ride this bouncy ball to this mat., do a front roll, then go thru this hoola hoop, over a hurddle, thru a slip n slide, and over another hurddle. It wuz the most epic thing i've ever done. Actually no we got 2nd, and it wuz pretty boring, xcept for the slip n slide, but then my homemade shirt got messd up. It wuz the white PE shirt with the word blue written in block letters, and blue hair spray over it.. it wuz awesome, but it all got smudge and the blue letters came off :'( sooooo obstacle course we got 2nd cuz our first person wuz so tall he coudnt fit on most of the things.
but at the end of the day...BLUE WON EVEYRTHING WOOO!!!! we won most of the relays, the screamin contest, the dance off and the whole tournament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i kno u must b thinkning, holy shit dude, wat grade and wat skool r u in. But i will not answer those questions. but i will say, i am not in high skool and not in elementary skool...hmm omg wonder wat im in.
there wuz much more to the day but tht involves things which u wud not understand unless u went to my skool, and it wud be almost impossible to explain, plus if some one saw this frum skool, tht wud b bad. so i will just leave it out.
After a freezing shower, thnks to my sunburn, i have to update and clean my computer cuz our skool comps have a virus tht passes frum compute to computer so every 4,000 kids families has to clean their computer and protect and stuff. So after tht hr or 2 proccess i then have homework. So as lightning streaks the sky, and thunder scares my dog, i will now go to the bathroom and stall for the boring 4 hrs ahead of me.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

might make you want to say so long

Soo, another boring sunday afternoon. I woke up about 20 minutes ago, and realized all i have to do is homework, and go to basketball practice. After that i am fucking free....But there is absolutely nothing to do in singapore with out spending money. So i guess my only option is the American Club to go for a swim and play xbox 360.
But even thinking bout that, i am sorta fantasizing. I have my science project due 2maro and im no where near done. Then have to write a book report to a book iv read three times already. So i guess i better get off the computer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Interview with the Vampire

Imagine having an interview with a vampire. For me, it depends if i know he's a vampire or not. If i didn't know it, i'd be like "wow this creep is awesome". if i DID know it, i'd be running for the hills, like the idiot i am. anyway it all comes down to this: if you love vampires, WATCH INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE!!!!! Its an oldish movie, made in 1994. Basically its about a modern day guy, interviewing a 200 hundred yr old vampire called Louis (brad pitt). Louis tells him about his life and how he came to be...what he is. It is an exciting watch. I've already watched it 3 times, since i've burned it onto my ipod. Its quit addicting. Anyway, i am not going to watch it anymore, you eventually get sick of a good thing.Now, i am going to record a video for science. Finally a project that is actually fun! We are studying primates and we have each been assigned a certain one and we have to do somthin unique and creative about the monkey. So im gunna write a song. I've got the melody, just needa right the lyrics, and to write the lyrics, i need to hear the melody, and i cant hear the melody without playing it, and i cant play and write, so i have to record just the melody, and then add lyrics. So listening to Longview, i say good bye.

(if you are wondering if i am always gunna say "while listening to bla bla bla" i most likley am, so deal with it.)
Here are the other main actors in INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE: Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Antonia Banderas, Kirsten Dunst.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I DONT LOVE U LIKE I LOVED U.....yesterday

five words.
worst. fucking.valentines. day.ever.
2 frends broke up
my frend threw a full pepsi bottle at me.
it somehow cut my eye
and its gunna bruise
but we r still frends
i started laughing
while my eyes watered uncontrollably
i threw a can of pringles at him
ran to da bathroom to clean it
he punch a wall and sat for about 15 minutes
then we walked round
got coffee
went on a blow up obstacle course
beat ourselves even more
scraped my leg
twisted my ankle
a lot
and chocolate
and soda
and more coffee
and did other random stuff
he left
we stayed
ate more
and then left
listening to IRON MAIDENwasted years
and the lyrics r goin in one ear and out the other

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Well, lets see how this week has been. i basically think it all comes down to this:...HOLY SHIT NOOOO IM OUT OF GUMMMM!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! the last piece of my favorite flavor :'( How will i survive class!?!?!?!? the chewing was the only thing keeping me frum goin insane!!!! Im a master at not gettin caught with gum. This whole semester i havent gotten caught...until yesterday in math...damn my math teacher, he broke my record.
The valentines county fair iz on saturday and my frends and i are all....anxious i wud say. I gess i spoke too soon when i said my frends were perfect for each other. It seemed like he wuz at the top of the world, and now he iz falling. We all feel rlly bad for him and hes goin into his depression state even though she hasn't broken up with him. we think she MITE dump him on saturday, or even friday. But she can't dump him on valentines day..rite?!?!?!?!??!
Besides those things everything else iz pretty good. 2maro is "valentines alternate dress day" i mean how stupid can it get??? but at least we get to be in sumthin other than our uniforms. Of course im putting in my own personality with a black and white stripped tie over my pink and red shirt :D
Also, yesterday wuz our biathalon.ugh. Its six lengths of the the pool (150meters)and then 2 laps arouond the track. I used to b GOOD at swimming, it took me four fukin minutes to do the 150 meters!!! anyway, my overall time wuz 9:36. I mite do it again. My swimsuit wuz waay to tight, and i wuz dehydrated. Im not just making up shit to cover up my time, otherwise i wudn't even tell u. I completley admit that i SUCK at running..and now i am sad to say, swimming. well thats about it!
ps.and my pictures wont load on blogger!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

dissapointed faces of ur peers

its been a while, just i haven't had anything to talk about. My life has been boring as hell. Just skool happening in my life. But i decided since today was an early dismissal, i would post a little sumthing.
As most of u probly r aware of my chemical romance's new video, desolation row,(did tht work? if it didn;t copy and paste: the cover song by bob dylan, i am compltley UBSSESED with it. I think they did a pretty good job on it. I especially like the end of the video when frank sticks his tongue out when they get a shot of the band in the police van. Hilarious! Ah man, i love them.
What else happend....oh ya! My 2 frends r gettin together. its rlly kool actually, they r PERFECT for each other, and with valentines day coming up, who knows what will happen. Speaking of valentine, i had been invited to a party by one of my good frends who is frends with the guy i like. So i went to the party, and EVERYONE was a grade above me. These r the times when i feel like a real emo/loner, watever. Anyway, i mite have not made it clear that i am in love with him, but i kno he will never be with me. So once again, since last year, i am trying to forget him and move on. It is incredibly hard. like rite now as im typing this, i am wearing a volcom wrist band that he gave me. But he has a great girlfrend and he seems happy, so i'll leave that subject at that.
wat else wat else wat else....hmm.....thinking bout the future, college, job, success..all that shit. just trying to keep my grades up. Im doin pretty good, mostly a's and one b ! wootwoot!
well, now, while listening to MAMA i am going to finish up a science report ughhhh!!!! research, bibliography all tht.

ps. comment on the new (ish) background pic!